Server type: Choose between POP3 and IMAP for the type of email server you are connecting to.
Servername (or IP): The server address or IP of the email provider, where POPcon will retrieve emails. For IMAP, it shows "" as an example.
IP port number: Specifies the port used for communication with the email server. The default port varies depending on the type of server and whether SSL is used:
IMAP with SSL/TLS: Usually port 993 (as shown in the screenshot).
IMAP without SSL: Typically port 143.
POP3 with SSL/TLS: Typically port 995.
POP3 without SSL: Usually port 110.
Make sure to match the correct port with the security options (TLS/SSL) you have chosen in the "Encryption" section.
Authentication: Choose between "Standard" login, "OAuth2 Microsoft", or "OAuth2 Google" for authentication methods.
Username/Email: The username or email address used to log into the email account.
Password: The password for the email account (hidden for security in the interface).
OAuth status: Displays the status of OAuth2 authentication. The "Connect OAuth2" button allows users to authenticate via OAuth2 for Microsoft or Google accounts.
Display name: Shows the full identifier for the account, typically the username and server path.
Encryption: Choose between "TLS/SSL", "SPA Authentication", or "STLS" for securing the connection to the email server.
Timeout: The time in seconds before the connection times out. Default is set to 180 seconds.
Max. number of Emails downloaded in one pass: The maximum number of emails that will be downloaded per session. The default shown is 200.
Test access: A button to test the connection to the email server to ensure that the settings are correct.
Type of account / distribution
Single user account: All emails retrieved from this account will be forwarded to the specified email address, e.g., "".
Catch-all account: Distributes emails based on the recipients found in the email headers. Additional filtering based on the domain can be configured.
Reroute emails to unknown addresses to: Option to reroute emails with unrecognized addresses to another account.
Delete or keep email on the server?
Delete after download: Deletes emails from the server after downloading them to the local Exchange server.
Leave copy of downloaded email on server for [n] days: Option to retain emails on the server for a specific number of days after download.
Don’t delete: Emails will not be deleted from the server after they are downloaded.
Don’t even mark as read [IMAP only]: Emails will not be marked as read on the server, even after they are downloaded (specific to IMAP accounts).
Download every [n] minutes/seconds: Sets the interval in which POPcon will check the email account for new messages. Default is every 10 minutes.
Download deactivated: Option to disable scheduled downloads for this account.
Limit downloads to work time between [hrs:min]: Restricts downloads to specific working hours, e.g., from 7:30 to 18:00.