SMTP Account details
Use this page to define an individual SMTP relay server account.
Parameters on this page:
- Descriptive Name: Just a name that describes this account to yourself so you can find it again in the list of accounts.
- SMTP Server: The SMTP relay server emails will be sent to for this account
- Username: Login data for this account on the SMTP relay server: Username
- Password: Login data for this account on the SMTP relay server: Password
- IP port: Usually SMTP servers answer on port 25. But some use port 587 or other ports. If you choose port 465 or if the server requests MultiSendcon will use SSL automatically.
- Local IP Address: In systems with more than one network card you can select the card used for this account by it's local IP address.
- HELO/EHLO domain: Domain name used to sign on to the SMTP server in the HELO or EHLO command. This is the same as the FQDN for HELO / EHLO in the Exchange send connector configuration.
- Minimum wait: Number of seconds that MultiSendcon waits between two emails sent through this account. This can be used to throttle throughput in order to accomodate slower relay servers. Set to 0 for no wait time, i.e. to use the full bandwidth.
- Use this account only for certain sender addresses: The sender addresses that this account will be used to send out emails for. Can be a single email address (, multiple addresses (,, or a whole domain with wildcards (*
- Use this account only for certain recipient addresses: The recipient addresses that this account will be used to send out emails for. Can be a single email address ( or a whole domain with wildcards (*
- Replace sender addresses with a fixed sender address: New feature in v2.50: If activated will replace the sender email address in all outgoing emails with a fixed sender address.
- ..but not for emails tagged "private": Allows the users to override the sender replacement by setting the "Sensitivity" tag to "Private" in an email.